A list of all our tools and resources you can take advantage of.
Search for a home with US Realty Reports and our reports will show you the current value. Our values are based on seller value, nearby homes, market trends and more. Additionally we'll show you an estimated value forecast of what the home will be worth in a years time.
Get the full financial picture of any home. Uncover taxes, mortgages, and sales history. Each record may include full names, addresses, company contacts, and all amounts associated with a mortgage or sale.
See who owns a property, and a full record of past owners. All these records can include the names, addresses, contact information and more.
Get a side-by-side view of the most similar homes nearby in our comparison report. Compare everything from values to structural details.
Download and print each report as a beautiful PDF. Track homes so you can stay up-to-date on changes to values, owners, sales and more.
Know the neighborhood with statistics on demographics and health information. Get a complete list of all the highest and lowest rated schools in the region.
Find out crime rates on any region, and get a list of all the nearby sex offenders. Know how safe anywhere is based on comparisons with the national averages.
Discover what sort of environmental risks are in any particular area. This report will tell you if any region is at high or low risk of floods, earthquakes, heavy rain or snow or any natural disaster.
* Be sure to fill out all form fields. Only addresses in the United States are supported.